Editorial Board
Manouchehr Akbari
Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran
Persian Language and Literature
- rtis2.ut.ac.ir/cv/makbari/?lang=fa-ir
- makbariut.ac.ir
Editorial Board
MohammadSadegh Basiri
Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman
Persian Language and Literature
- uk.ac.ir/~basiri
- basiriuk.ac.ir
Editorial Board
Kavous -e- Hasanli
Professor of University of Shiraz
- www.hasanli.ir
- hasanliyahoo.com
- 61112504
Editorial Board
Homeyra zomorrodi
Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran
Persian Language and Literature
- rtis2.ut.ac.ir/cv/zomorrodi/?lang=fa-ir
- zomorrodiut.ac.ir
Editorial Board
Abdoreza Seif
Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran
Persian Language and Literature
- rtis2.ut.ac.ir/cv/seif/?lang=fa-ir
- seifut.ac.ir
Editorial Board
Mohammad Masoor TabaTabaee
Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran
Persian Language and Literature
- rtis2.ut.ac.ir/cv/mansoor/?lang=fa-ir
- mansoorut.ac.ir
Editorial Board
Omid Majd
Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran
Persian Language and Literature
- rtis2.ut.ac.ir/cv/majdomid/?lang=fa-ir
- majdomidut.ac.ir
Editorial Board
Fateme Modarresi
Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Urmia University
Persian Language and Literature
- facultystaff.urmia.ac.ir/Site/CV.aspx?STID=62&Ln=fa
- f.modarresiurmia.ac.ir