Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Persian language and literature professor at the University of Urmia

2 Master of Persian Language and Literature, University of Urmia


Textual coherence in cloudy semantic relations through which the relation is each piece of speech or writing acts as context. MA.k Holliday and R.Hassan played a key ale estabhshing the relationship in contchal shachre and the relationship among sentence elements. The believe that coherence applies to all kids of relations which link one element of the sentence to the element in previous sentence. The factors bringing about textual coherence among element in a sentence are divided into 3 categories: 1. Grammatical 2. Lexicon 3. Connectives
The present article is an  endeavor to survey. The fragmented and scattered writings of Shams-e- Tabriz as the mentor of Molavis Tariqat (way of thinking). The writings not published as a compiled book by Shams-e- Tabriz himself.
The Grammatical coherence of Shams,s articles is shied in two parts i.e. reference and omission, lexical coherence in two parts i.e. repetition and collocation. Finally the connechire coherence is shadied in 4 parts. Namely, additive, causative, contrastive and tempral
