Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 M.A. in Persian Language and Literture of University of Shahid

2 Professor of University of Allameh Tabatabayi


Metaphor is a subject that has attracted the attention of theorists from different sciences of eloquency, linguistics, philosophy and etc.
Cognitive school is one of the schools which pays a specific attention to metaphor. Cognitive semantics is a branch steming from cognitive school that defines any kinds of cognition and dectaving of       abstract concepts in the from of more concrete concepts as a metaphorical application. In this research, after offering some general definitions about this subject including classic and romantic theories, we will describe declared principles by cognitive  semantic scientists_especially basic concepts such as bias metaphor and image schemas. Then we would try to exploit samples and examples  adapted to this concept of shamloo,s poems
