Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate of Tehran University

2 Masters of Literature from Tehran University


Discussing about hermeneutic is not just belong to past and also not dedicated to religious books, It is to extensive and widespread.  During past two century many paraphrase and hermeneutic topics has been found in human science specially literature. Researcher‘s consideration on hermeneutic was so significant so that it is assumed as a branch for European literary critic and has a particular place on that science. With regard to it ‘s special consideration on Persian literature in this paper we are going to survey paraphrase of spirit in Gnostic text written in prose and holy Quran commentary by investigating in the field of hermeneutic and studding holy Quran. We will emphasis subject such as paraphrase opinion of  Gnostic about spirit, their consideration on paraphrase to holy Quran, similarities and differences of paraphrases in Persian Gnostic text written in prose and holy Quran commentaries and so on.
