Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of University of Allame Tabatabaii

2 phd Student of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan

3 MA in Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan


Nima is more celebrated and noteworthy for his new poems therefore his classical poems is less regarded; but among his individual stylistics of his classical poems can be recognized, studied and analyzed appearance and advent of his new poems. Nima follows Khorasani style but linguistics, literary and mental traits show another thing; He wanted to find new way and to be creative new style.
Style points to quality of talker’s (poet, author) expression that is far away from its contemporary language and standards.
Deliberation’s style is in stylistics that in the first is the field of linguistics then it is parted.
This paper tries to explain and declare short history of stylistics in Iran and furthermore studies Nima’s classical poems with new stylistics.
