Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Professor of Persian Language and Literature University of Urmia

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan

3 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature University of Bu Ali Sina, Hamedan


Focus of narration is the perspective on which the author or narrator looks at his story. Analysis of “Focus of Narration” and narrative techniques get an important role to discover consistent and accurate narrative structure in fiction. The Gerard Genette¢s theory of “Narrative focus” is one of the techniques through which one can understand the ability of an author to form and shape his work’s structure. To analyze the focus of narration, he introduces two issues of Mode and Intonation. In present article, using an analytic - descriptive method, the narrative techniques of Asrar al-Towhid would be studied on the basis of Gerard Genette¢s theory. The aim of this study is to distinguish the success of Muhammad Munawwar to utilize the focus of narration to convey his mystical thoughts, attractiveness and realism of his story to the readers and to show the greatness and dignity of his grandfather, Abu saeed Abu al-Khayr, in Asrar al-Towhid.
