Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant professor in international university of Imam Khomeini

2 PhD student in international university of Imam Khomeini


Verbosity is one of the techniques of decorated and artificial prose texts that plays major role in the book called Dorraye Nadireh. Mirza Mahdi khan Astarabadi (1175 H.G) tried in this eminent book to use the various kinds of fine writing like verbosity till the ending events of Nadir period (1160); he likes to show off his masterly in writing technique by using  Arabic words and various synonyms. This essay is going to consider verbosity method and it’s classification in Dorraye Nadireh and will demonstrate Mahdi Khan’s fine writing styles in creating this eminent book. The result shows not only verbosity is the most effective way for telling events in the book, but it is also effective in delivering the message.
