Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Assistant professior in Persian Language and Literature, Razi University, Kermanshah


Undoubtedly, the disability to express the mystical experiences is what all mystics in East or West have rigid consensus on; it means that mystical facts and high concepts obtained through intuition aren’t possible to be expressed.  Jalāl al-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī, Mowlavi has clearly explained in his masnavi the different forms of the issue and actually shows the literal difficulties to express mystical experiences. To express mystical facts and concepts there exist four barriers: subject, teller, speech, and listener. So the author, in present paper, tries to show Mowlana’s viewpoint about the above mentioned barriers in his Masnavi. Although he has extensively spoken about each of the barriers, but what has him hurt more than any other things and prevents him to express the listener the divine truths. So it can be said that listener has been the most important one out of the four main barriers, as Mowlavi believed, which made him to speak about in Masnavi.
