Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 hD student in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


Attempts to define poetry have occupied the minds of many writers for a long time. Although all people believe in the existence of poetry, but there is not a consensus on what it is. The diversity of definitions about poetry has led some writers to know basically poetry undefinable, for a widely accepted definition has not yet provided. There have always been some kinds of poetry which have broken the restrictions of existing definitions and have found clear inconsistencies to the traditional criteria of poetry. A short contemplation on proposed definition about poetry helps us to reach this conclusion: “Poetry creates wonder in language by language itself.” Therefore any wonder the poet creates in the language can be called poetry. Expressing his emotions, imaginations and visualizations with the help of his profound thoughts, and using the musical potential of the terms, the poet creates wonder in language and makes the audience or the reader to share with him. This undeniable fact in the realm of poetry has resulted in an explicit consensus on poetry definition between belletrists in East and West, so that they seem to accept the mysterious nature of poetry as a proved fact.   
