Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant professor in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 PhD. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaei University


Accessing the secondary or implied meaning of the text is one of the most important aims of research in the field of literature because the literariness of the text arises from this kind of meaning.  Implied meaning is expressed through language and various elements related to the literary genre, and would be referred to as the text’s “language.” In order to investigate the language of short story, the implied meanings have been classified in two categories in present study: primary and secondary. The “primary implied meaning(s)” is (are) the theme of the story, and the “secondary implied meaning(s)” can be deduced from other elements of the story. So each of the elements of story which associates its identity with the theme can be considered and analyzed as a part of short story language. Based on this method and through such a perspective, the Bijan Najdi’s story-collection “The Leopards who have run with me” has been probed in present study.  The primary implied meaning which is associated with the theme of all stories is the crisis of identity in a framework of tradition and modernity which is expressed through different techniques and elements.
