Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University

2 MA. Student in Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University


Using the narrative poetry to express human and social concerns is one of the commonalities between Nima Yooshij and Khalil Matran, the modern Persian and Arab poets. Lots of Nima’s poems benefit the narrative aspects. Khilil Matran is also of the Arab poets who have imported the narrative aspects in modern Arabic poetry. Based on the method of comparative literature, this study has being accomplished to analyze the rate of two poets’ creativity through a cross-sectional research.  The results show that Nima had imported the symbols of fiction in his poetry texture in a way that it has been changed to an artistic work, but Matran has created, using historical issues, his narrative poetry in a traditional format. The innovative aspect of Nima’s poetry flows in creation of a new fictional meaning and its relation to modern life, but Matran’s is restricted to the relation existing between a historical event and the modern life. Due to the extensive range of imagination, it can be said, in overall, that Nima had a greater share in creating modern concepts with the use of narrative poetry in comparison with Matran.   
