Document Type : scientific-research
1 Assistant professor in Institute for Humanities and cultural studies
2 M.A student in Institute for Humanities and cultural studies
Composing his poems both in Persian and Arabic, Mohammad Reza Hakimi is among bilingual characters of Iranian contemporary literature. Trying to reform the society and to rescue people of darkness, he invites them, in his "Tears on a Mountain", to refer Ahl al-Beyt (the family of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) and believes that the emergence of Imam Mahdi underlies the justice in society. Present paper is to review the rhetorical peculiarities and literary industries of Hakimi’s ode critically to explore those themes and artistic contents which have not yet being paid attention by researchers and critics. In addition, the analysis of rhythm and music, its terminology and the imagery style have been accomplished by the authors through a descriptive-analytic method. Some of the results are: 1) Similes and Metaphors have been used much more than other expressive styles in this ode; 2) Hakimi has used 41 literary industries in his ode which can be divided in to two syntactic and semantic categories. Pun has the most usage in syntactic industries, and Syllepsis and Ambiguity got the greatest importance from among semantics in the text.