Document Type : scientific-research
Assistant Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin
Meaning has a significant role in content formation and literariness of a poem, just as Form does. However, meaning and innovation get greater importance and broader field in modern poetry. Present paper is to analyze the role of meaning in putting distinction between the content of poetic text and other non-literary works. In this regard, a comparative analysis has been conducted on descriptive meaning (poetic themes) and meaning production (by the poet). Considering the general assumption that lack of meaning production by the poet may lead to simplicity in form and lessens the boundary between poetry and prose, the results obtained are as follows: the old descriptive texts and the contemporary narratives have no complexity and are clear in form. The lingual distinction in such works is less than standard language; therefore the poet pays more attention to form innovation. But, the modern realistic texts and the introspective texts benefit more potential of meaning production and the poet innovation finds broader possibilities in meaning, in addition to form.