Document Type : scientific-research
1 Assistant professor in Arabic language and literature, university of Kashan
2 M.A. Graduate in Arabic language and literature, university of Kashan
Linguistically, deviation is one of the words’ resurrection aspects that breaks the surface structure of words, not their deep structure, and makes the audience to experience a literary pleasure. This study is a descriptive analysis of deviated ironies in Ibn-e-Farez and Mowlavi’s divans. In addition to artistic and aesthetic aspects, as the study shows, ironies have been used in the works of these two poets to transfer ambiguous meanings which are hard to be expressed. While Mowlavi uses irony in possessive and attributive components, single form of irony has a high frequency in Ibn-e-Farez compositions that can be considered as a sign for brevity, innovation and his rich and delicate language. Ironic use of integrated literary industries which highlights the artistic aspects of poems is one of significant methods of both poets. Selecting irony interference as a technique, Ibn-e-Farez sometimes makes meanings abstruse which outstanding aesthetic aspect is one of its important functions. Popular language is one of Mowlavi’s poetry features, so brevity, as an irony, has a broad frequency in his poems.