Document Type : scientific-research
1 PhD student in Persian Language and Literature, University of Shahrekord
2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Shahrekord
Poets use different artistic forms, such as allegory and symbol to express their thoughts in educational and mystic works. In particular, this paper is to investigate the artistic images and symbols made with the theme of “child” and “childhood” in these works. Not only there are some thoughts about child training in educational and mystic poems, but each of his growth stages, up to his adulthood, can be considered as a symbolic theme. Child and childhood are symbols of foolish and weak people, novice wayfarers, and the ones who are secularist simple-minded self-seeker imitators. However, there is sometimes a positive approach to child and childhood, particularly when they are the symbols of mystics, but they are often attributed as foolish, faulty, ignorant and timid people who live ineffectively.