Document Type : scientific-research
1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
2 PH.D Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Intertextuality is one of the most important theories in comparative literature, because it deals with effectiveness of literature, just like comparative literature. The theorists believe that any text is the result of absorption and transformation of another text. The Maqama technique has had a great impact on European literature in terms of fiction writing and has technically inspired Picaresque Narratives through its realistic nature. However some critics have rejected this kind of impact and inspiration. Through an analytic-descriptive method, based on library and documentaries, the authors of present essay have comparatively and intertextually studied Picaresque Narratives using some instances. The study shows that the structure superimposes of these two literary genres, in two different cultures and inevitably in two different languages stands on different positions. Their common prepositions imply their certainty of intertextuality and being informed and confirm the Maqamat's effectiveness on Picaresque Narratives.