Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University


Sociological approach is one of the most efficient critical approaches of literary works, particularly novels. The relation existing between the novel's structure and content to the changes of the society and living conditions and the artistic reflection and representation of society in fantastic world of a literary work is studied in this approach. Based on the principles of sociological approach of criticism, one of the most prominent works of Palestinian well-known author, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra has been studied in present research to answer to this main question if the sociological approach is applicable to the novel "Hunters in a narrow street"?  The research hypothesis is that Jabra tries to reflect the social situation of his period in the form of a literary work.  A hunter in a narrow street was written after author’s staying in Bagdad following the occupation of Palestine by Zionists in 1948. Evoking bitter memories of his homeland’s occupation, Jabra, in this novel, points to the tragic realities of Iraq and the pathetic social situation of Bagdad’s residents. The result of present research, conducted through an analytical-descriptive method, shows that Jabra reflects the social situation in a specific period creating characters from different classes of society.
