Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Kharazmi University


“Woman” is the most important focal character in the works of Mostafa Mastur and fundamental differences are obvious between this kind of woman and women in other contemporary realist stories or novels, because she manifests the complete character of "Ideal Woman" from one hand, and inherits the image and has been presented of him during several centuries of Iranian lyric literature from the other hand, a prominent, aware, introspective, faithful, loyal, angelic, inspirational, artist and unattainable woman who is more virtue to be possessed by a man.   So love, in such stories, is totally sacred and unearthly. It doesn't end, or the lover avoids joining. Even prostitutes, in such stories are innocent with respectable personalities. Assuming that the approach of these stories to the subject of "woman" and "love", with such a frequency, is exclusive in modern stories and has changed to the stylistic feature of their authors with a link to old Persian mystical-lyric literature, the present essay is to study and analyze the character of woman and her special, sacred and heavenly role and her subsequent result, pure spiritual love in Mostafa Mastur's works through an analytic- descriptive method.   
