Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili


Nizami Ganjavi (1141 to 1209) and Bīdel Dehlavī (1642–1720) are two prominent poets known for their innovations. There are many ambiguous elements in the level of their languages, from which the ambiguous compositions are the most important. Ambiguous compositions are compound words formed when two or three morphemes are put together and act on the horizontal axis of language as a meaning unit. Most researchers believe in special ambiguous compositions as a monopoly of Hindi poets. Nizami's special compositions are being compared and analyzed with those of Bīdel's in present essay. To analyze the structure and to express the meaning of ambiguous components, they are studied according to their "core meaning" and "semantic component". The essay is to show the ambiguous compositions in two different literary periods, and to demystify them. The result indicates that most of ambiguous compositions are in deep structure of a full sentence with syntactic and semantic relations, and that creating the special ambiguous compositions is not limited to Bīdel and other poets of Hindi style.
