Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant professor in Arabic Language and Literature, Kurdestan University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Arabic Language and Literature,Shahid Madani University of Azarbayjan


Using symbols is one of the most complicated methods of thinking and expression of meanings. It plays an important role in creating a literary work and expressing the poet's inexpressible ideas. Such an approach is rooted in the existing socio-political situations, the poet's personal experiences and his intellectual and philosophical tendencies. Hawari (1938) is a contemporary Palestinian poet whose poetry was born through Palestinian resistance in the occupied territories and is directly linked with its current situation. Concerning about suffocating environment and ruling repression, he has used symbols to express the suffering of Palestinian people and to express his ideas of resistance. Symbolic elements in his three divans:"Meraya Alyasmin" (1998), "Maqalah Alghym Alshajar" (2000) and "Latakasar Alnay" (2006) are studied in present research through an inductive – analytic method. The symbols are classified in 8 categories and their implied meanings and corresponding themes are documented in tables. The results show that the symbols of the poet often express two general concepts: a) occupation of his country and its requirements; and, b) standing and resistance with all facilities.
