Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Graduate in Persian Language and Literature, Alzahra University

2 MA Graduate in Islamic Mysticism & Sufism, University of Religions and Denominations


Mystical texts are the most important texts have been set to convey epistemic teachings and to influence the audiences concerned with awareness and esoteric training.  Therefore it seems that specific techniques have been used in rhetoric to fulfill this objective. According to the style of speech in mystical texts, they can be considered as rhetoricals. Reviewing the concept of rhetoric and its history, in present essay, some of rhetorical techniques such as allegory and metaphor are going to be discussed. So Abd al-Qāhir -Jurjānī's votes on eloquence and rhetorical art and its relation to rhetoric and its tools have being paid attention. Due to this the mystical texts have been studied as rhetorical texts because the method of discussion and reasoning in such texts is based on rhetoric principles with no logical and mathematical reasoning. The aim of these texts is to make teachings and mystical contents believable and to satisfy the audience using techniques such as allegory and metaphor. Mystical texts, therefor, can be considered as rhetoricals.      
