Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University

2 Associate Professor, Lorestan University

3 MA. Student in Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University


If we Study the poetry of Hafez, we will find that he has composed many of his poems to welcome other poets.  In addition, he has included some of the themes, lines and hemistiches of previous and contemporary poets in his poetry. Only the hemistiches that Hafez has borrowed and used in his poems with no manipulation are analyzed in present essay.  He has likely borrowed a hemistich from a line of another poet and didn't prefer using the other hemistich or has composed a better one to complete the line. So, borrowing a hemistich and changing the other, he has created a new meaning for the borrowed hemistich, and has increased the inner and lateral rhyming patterns of the poem through substituting of hemistiches. Although he has sometimes borrowed from the other poets' non-lyrical hemistiches, they seem more natural and interpretative in his poems than in their origins. However Hafez has deliberately tried to borrow the finest and the most outstanding hemistiches of the other poets, but he has, in many cases, given a new life and meaning to them and has promoted them in quality.
