Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom


A part of Persian poetry's beauty and delicacy has been manifested in literary arrays. So it seems inevitable to analyze the quality connection between the researches on exquisite arrays and poetical changes. Do the requirements of this reciprocal link really considered? Examining some poetic examples from some prominent styles of Persian poetry, this research answers to above mentioned question through an adaptive-comparative method. This study shows that the exquisite researches and poetical changes have not had a balanced development; it means that the Persian poetry has experienced many ups and downs in quality of literary arrays usage due to criteria such as term-minding and meaning-orientation, simplicity and industrial-thinking, and poetical and literary theories, but oblivious to these developments, exquisite researches have just thought their own severe frameworks, and as a result, they have gradually lost their role in shaping poetical capacities and have changed into an inefficient knowledge to create innovations and poetic criticism. The more than ever necessity of retrospection in exquisite researches has been proven in present essay as its result.
