Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran


Referring to the Persian rhetoric books, from the very beginning until today, the present  paper is to study the reasons for banality of similes and different types of similes(such as conditional, comparative, implicit, antithetical and eloquent similes) have been used to rectify them. To do this, the authors have initially reviewed the history of the subject in the books of Persian rhetoric, and then, clarifying the concept of strange and banal similes, they have studied the causes of simile banality and the dimensions of its strangeness under the title of "main strangeness and adventitious strangeness" and have criticized the attitudes of rhetoric books about the subject. They have also described some technical details that can release similes from banality and help them to be more thoughtfulness and rhetoric. To explain each of the methods, they have tried to criticize the viewpoints of related books and to analyze their accuracy. Finally, they have offered another new technique called "bound simile" to rectify the banality of simile.  
