Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant professor in Persian Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University


The analysis of fictional characters in literary works is an important discussion firstly entered the field of psychology and then in the world of literary criticism by Jung's theory of "Individuation".Based on this process, the fictional character, on the way to individuality, confronts a number of archetypes and he/she can gradually realize his/her inner truth and reconstruct his/her patient unconscious self, leaving each of the archetypes behind. The Nezami’s “Haft Peykar” is one of the works in Persian literature that can be analyzed through such an approach looking deep in fictional characters of this masterpiece and exploring the hidden dimensions of the story on the basis of Jung's Individuation. Pointing to these psychological archetypes in two stories of “Haft Peykar”: “the Green Dome” and “the Red Dome”, it has been tried in present paper, to study the personality development of the main character as well as the quality he reaches individuality and mental health.
