Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Persian Language and Literature, Tehran University

2 Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran


Minimalism is a literary style or origin in literature which is based on an extreme stress, excessive briefness and a work content simplicity. If, by definition, briefness and simplicity are considered as the most important features of minimalism, in Persian prose classic works; we face with a variety and frequency of minimalism examples, which have been considered by a group of Persian language poets and writers of since the beginning of the formation of Farsi Dari language.
Baharestsn by Abd-ol-rahman Jami is a work that is considered from a minimalist point of view. This paper by reviewing components and principles of minimalist stories seeks to find a trace of this literary style in Persian stories of Baharestan dissertation by Jami. The author of this paper considered this work qualified for minimalist features by reviewing short short story components and adapting it to some Persian stories of Baharestan.


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