Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research




The father is the reference, the author, the watcher and supervisor of law, and, in other words, the representative of the social order. His name is a factor that terminates the process of subject identifying through an endless chain of symbolic order. The function of paternal metaphor is putting the father's law instead of mother's desire. Any disturbance in the process of identification with the name of father results in suspicion and intense distrust to social order. Jacque Lacan believes that delusions, suspicious deliriums, and paranoid fear and anxiety arise in the absence of a father's name. Lack of coherence between the name and the law of father makes the subject lose his confidence in the symbolic order and imagine the world unstable and insecure. Using Lacan’s Neo-Freudian achievements and reviewing the characters of The Blind Owl of Sadegh Hedayat (maternal objects and metaphors, and paternal connotations), it has been tried, in present paper, to analyze the process of identification failure of narrator’s character in symbolic order. Father plays a diminutive role, in The Blind Owl novel, to form the narrator's personality. His connotation is absent in symbolic order. His name is not coherent. Therefore, the narrator suspends the name of father and slips into maternal objects. Suspension of father’ name and identification postponement in the chain of symbolic order connotations leads to appearance of paranoid components in the narrator of The Blind Owl.


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