Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research




Today much more attention is paid to the relation of "psychology"
and "literature" in the field of interdisciplinary studies. Literary
works, on one hand, are the result of man's mental states; and they foster man’s
spirit, on the other hand; so, it seems being a suitable platform for the study
and analysis of psychological concepts. Romance poetry covers a wide section of
Persian literature. Sa'adi is one of the few poets who have upgraded love to
its highest heavenly and terrestrial meaning throughout the history of Persian
literature. Love is also a major topic in empirical psychology, and some
well-known psychologists such as Erich Fromm and Robert Sternberg and Renee Allende have spoken in detail about it and its context and functions. The effective
role of love in human evolution and excellence, and submission to the will of
the beloved, as well as the need for sacrifice and forgiveness are the main
commonalities exist between Sa'adi’s points of view and empirical psychology on
love. These commonalities reflect Sa'adi's truthfulness and honesty in loving and expressing
it, from one hand, and emphasize the sustainability of many healthy and natural
love criteria, on the other hand


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