Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz Branch


Reviewing several types of sentences in Hafiz’s sonnets and comparing them with poems composed by other poets such as Salmān Sāvuji, Nāser Bukhārāʾi, Khājūi Kermāni, etc., the relation between the music of poetry and the arrangement of different sentences have been explained in his sonnet in present study. His sentences have their own special music along with the music of sounds, letters and words. It can be said that one of the syntactic capabilities that makes Hafiz's poetry more prominent among the works of other poets is his ability to use the variety of sentences in the general structure of the sonnet. In this sense, not only the use of various sentences, but the way sentences are arranged makes the poetry musical. Comparing Hafiz's poetry with those of the others makes it possible to understand that Hafiz has rarely used three consecutive declarative sentences with a monotonous rhythm. He uses, in such cases, imperative mode to reduce the uniformity of declarative sentences. Those Hafiz's sonnets have been examined, in the present research, of which there are similar instances in the works of his contemporary poets in terms of rhythm, rhyme and order


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