Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Mikhail Bakhtin considered novel as the closest artistic event to popular carnivals in the streets and public places, because it has the potential to reflect the different human and social sounds equally and to reduce monotony in society to the extent that leads to reversal of the dominant cultural, religious and ethical powers and makes the inferior and popular culture to upheave to promote democracy. “Don’t worry”, a novel by Mahsa Mohebali, is a work that expands, imposing an earthquake in the metropolis of Tehran, the imagination of a reversal in various dimensions of society to a lower and more general range of social classes, especially the younger generation, and the emergence of a polyphonic discourse. Almost all components of carnivalesque can be found in this novel: polyphony, slang, relativity, grotesque realism, reversal, frenzy, laugher of death, etc. After a short review on the elements of Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnivalesque, in present paper, the novel “Don’t Worry” has been analyzed on the basis of this theory and its components.    


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