Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Allameh Tabataba,i University

2 Allameh Tabataba’i University


Semiology-semantics criticism is an instrument for the perception of meaning.In semiology-semantics, contrary to structural semiology, signs have the opportunity to take on new signs.By creating coherent discourse systems, Gremies paved the way for interpreting the narrations, realizing that there is a drawback in the meaning in the initial narration, which needs to develop into a transcendental sense in a secondary stage at the end of the story.The story of Sheikh San’an is one of the narratives that suffers from the drawback of a chaotic state related to Sheikh San’an at the beginning of the story in which, in view of his dream, he takes an inevitable action which leads to the representation of some discourse systems.In the present research, using content analysis, we made an attempt to clarify that Attar Neishaburi has the intension to alter the undesirable initial state into a favourable one at the end of the narration by a pre-set plan.In analysing discourse systems, the first intelligent discourse system is prevailing. This means that the narrator, using systematic speech acts, depicts the evolution of meaning following an intelligent discourse.Two types of tension-emotional and providence- are created through the story, which assume the second and third status, respectively.


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