Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language & Literature, University of Tehran

2 Professor in Arabic Language & Literature, University of Tehran

3 M.A. Graduate in Arabic Language & Literature, University of Tehran


Seyyed Heydar Helliis one of the Iraqi Shiite contemporary poets who is known for his religious poems. In this kind of poetry, he has been able to establish a solid link between the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) and the ruling political, social, and cultural conditions of his living period. Under the influence of Holy Qur'an and honorable hadiths, he has portrayed beautifully the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) through a mostly epic approach and a powerful and balanced emotion. Recalling some religious figures such as Imam Ali and Imam Hussein (PBUT), he tries to introduce them, out of the historical framework, being clothed by the new meanings retrieved from contemporary events of the society he himself lives in and to express the difficulties of the Islamic community. He also invites, using an expressive language, people to be aware and insightful and resist against tyranny and colonialism. Having the benefits of Imam Hussein's teachings and other heroes of Ashura in the course of the people uprising against tyranny, being supplicated to Imam Mahdi (PBUH), using consistent oratorical structures and the music matched by the concept of the poems, and utilizing literary modes and dynamic artistic images are f the features make his poetry distinguished. 


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