Document Type : scientific-research
1 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language & Literature, University of Isfahan
2 Professor in Persian Language & Literature, University of Isfahan
Asrar al-Tawhid is one of the mystic prose works which different simile structures can be seen in. Simile has been used in this work in a more complicated form. Selected from profound images, these similes have many similarities to those of classic ones. Contemplating the function of simile and its role in expressing mystical themes and concepts is the main goal of present paper, in addition to examining the nature of simile imagination in Asrar al-Tawhid. It can be realized through this review that the simile images are mostly confirmative and have direct relation with the content of the word, in order to expand and explain the meaning. The expansion of the concept "tenor" or "being likened" and "re-conceptualization", and “description” are the most prominent confirmative functions of simile images in Asrar al-Tawhid