Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Nishabur Branch

2 Assistant Professor in Persian Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Nishabur Branch


The school of humanism is one of the three major branches of psychology have been introduced in twentieth century. Abraham Maslow, the most famous character of the school, tried to study the best human specimens, unlike the scholars of other schools. He emphasized on positive and human-based behaviors. Maslow identifies the root of human behavior in his needs and considers it a five-step hierarchy includes physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, respect and self-actualization. His special attention to self-actualization has led to the emergence of a theory with the same name. Self-actualization is the manifestation of Human-self at its possible highest level, as he believes. "A better understanding of reality and establishing an easier communication with it" are among numerous component Maslow mentions for such people. The component has been reviewed in Naser Khosrow's thinking and life, in present paper, through a descriptive-analytic method; because he is known as a realist figure in the field of Persian literature, and man stands in a special place and has a central role in his intellectual structure. The most important features of "reality perception" in Naser Khosrow's life and thought that are consistent with Maslow’s theory are: “a correct understanding and a proper judging of reality and an accurate identification of deceitful people”, “collapsing the ruling stereotypical traditions of the society through protest”, “special attention to logic and reasoning”, “welcoming to unknown phenomena”, “emotional and mental instability in some cases” and “enlightenment and scholarship”.


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