Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Assistant Professor in Persian Language & Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


Qeysar Aminpour, the prominent contemporary Persian poet, was skilled in composing sonnet (ghazal) more than other traditional forms of poetry and besides his expertise in modern poetry. His sonnets are of certain simplicity and directness with no complexity or special artificiality. His sonnet is considered as the continuation of a flow in modern literature which is called “New Sonnet” and is said to be more close to the spirit of the Modern or Nimaei Poetry. The prevailing mood for his sonnets is mainly: expressing the narration (hadith) of his own self, describing his inner and personal states, and, a mild social criticism. He uses a simple language, ordinary addressing and even conversation to achieve a suitable way to express his points. This kind of poem lacks the traditional constraints of sonnet, both in terms of content and theme and in terms of form and structure. In terms of form and structure, the distiches of this type of sonnet are short, while the focus of semantic unity of the poem is more on the vertical axis of sonnet. He has also made innovations in the field of rhyming so that he has utilized radifs (identical ending syllables) –mostly verbal- in his sonnets. Through a descriptive method and using and reference to the statistical tools, it has been tried in present paper to explain the subject of discussion.


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