Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor in Department General Linguistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran

2 Associate Professor in Department Persian Language& Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran


The nature of mental activity is one of the issues are being studied in cognitive science. From a cognitive point of view, understanding a conceptual domain based on another conceptual context is "metaphor". The use of body organs, as a source of cultural conceptualization of everyday concepts, is very considered in cognitive linguistics. The conceptualizations of "eye" in Hafiz's sonnets has been analyzed in the context of cognitive linguistics in present study. This research is to answer two questions: 1) what is the source concept in the "eye" conceptualization in Hafiz's sonnets? And, 2) which of the quadruple tools of expansion, complexity, composition, and question, that make the language of poetry different, are applied more in creation of "eye" metaphors? Findings show that "eye", in most metaphors, has been conceptualized as an abstract concept in destination domain with more objective concepts. In other words, "eye" benefits concepts such as human, vessel, and object as a source domain. The most conceptualization of the "eye' is also seen in the source domain of vessel. It can be said that "combination" is the most used mechanism in conceptualization of "eye" in the poems of Hafiz, regarding the application of various types of cognitive mechanisms.


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