Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Professor in Department Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Department Persian Language & Literature, University of Kurdistan


Creating new characters and spaces, Shahriar Mandanipour has written “Ultramarine Blue” as a fiction collection on the basis of the events happened in September 11, 2001. The form of the stories, the combination of the sequences and the narrative style tailored to the subject of the stories all express his work's structural profoundness. In each one of the stories, Mandanipour deals with a specific aspect of events happened in September 11th. In this story collection, the technique of creating various and diverse stories about a single incident is to illustrate the fact that there were numerous narratives and analysis of the incident and the way suggested to confront all over the world. The narrator's viewpoint and the basis of narratives about the 9/11 incident is depended on the points of view of the victims and the people who suffered the disaster of the tragedy. With this critical concept, there will be no difference between the performance of attack designers and those who provide the operational bases for terrorist acts, both of which cause destruction and collapse of the lives of the public. The subject of the stories and the way they are narrated inspires sympathy for humans, whether Eastern or Western, and shows that all human beings are incapable and vulnerable against such events.


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