Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor in Department Persian Language & Literature, Alzahra University

2 MA. Student in Department English Literature, Alzahra University


The Morphology of the story by Paul Vehvilainen is one of the morphology patterns for analyzing hero-centered stories which is somehow a summarization of Propp’s method. Accordingly, each hero-centered story consists of five stages (the feeling of shortage and deficiency by the hero, his motive for compensation, facing the helper, confronting the test, and reward) by which narrative structure and formation can reveal the author's purpose and point of view. As a didactic work, Sa'di's Gulistan contains, in its first volume, eight anecdotes coincided with the Paul Vehvilainen’s suggested model. All heroes are people related to the word or meaning of the court and faced with unwanted psychological, physical and situational challenges. Some "human/situation" combinations of helpers, the class of therapists in particular, accompany them. Afterwards, the humanistic high quality features of the person such as (tact, patience, insight, loyalty, friendship, freedom, and magnanimity) are measured in an examination. All the heroes come out proudly, and the desire brought the movement about would be achieved with the same quality or above. Therefore, processing heroic narratives in a realistic space, Saadi introduces everyone as the hero of his own life narrative and utilizes the heroic genre to get his purposes in didactic literature.


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