Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


Rhetoric and eloquence are among the terms that have attracted for researchers since the beginning of rhetorical works. In different periods, while discussing these terms, rhetoricians have tried to provide criteria for them. What is obtained through rhetorical books shows that after the early centuries in Islamic rhetoric, we are faced with tasteful criteria in this realm, criteria whose acceptance and application today are not without many flaws and such criteria cannot be used as measures for different texts, especially modern texts and new formats or types. In the present study, while examining, analyzing and criticizing the rhetoric and eloquence and categorizing the opinions of predecessors, we have tried to explain the terms with other component; components that can provide a clearer picture of the concepts of eloquence and rhetoric. It seems that to get a clearer understanding of such concepts and to avoid exploitative views, one can use the opinions of linguists about context types of context, as well as Roman Jacobson's communication theory and the six roles of language based on this theory; In other words, with the help of linguistic studies, the components of rhetoric and eloquence can be redefined in other ways which in addition to clarifying terms and avoiding aspects of taste, it is more inclusive. Accordingly, the various context of speech along with the roles of language can be considered as the central elements of rhetoric and eloquence. At the same time, according to Van Peer, literary and sacred texts are always "making context”, they make their context based on the situation in which they are located; In other words,literary and sacred texts do not have a closed and unchangeable context. In addition, in this redefinition, we must consider the various textual, situational, cultural, and social contexts, along with a new understanding of communication theory and language roles, as components of rhetoric and eloquence.


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