Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph. D Candidate of literature department of University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature University of Kurdistan , Sanandaj, Iran.

3 Professor of Persian Language and Literature University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The modernism contents of the modernity concepts such as "home country, the law and the liberty are galore in literature” can be seen in most opuses. As other eras, the origin of these literary contents should be investigated in other fields rather than literature. These factors are those which affect the nation awareness and create the important opuses. By profound thinking on these opuses, we can perceive the unique and particular worldviews of their authors. The political and social conditions of that era and the criticism against them are the main points of modern opuses. Though these concepts cry out for the human rights in the first place, getting involved in intellectual (isms) such as Nationalism, Nihilism, Chauvinism, etc reminds us of a more special meaning of modernity. Studying some of the literary works, indulgence in modernist thoughts, has caused some kind of contradiction in modernist viewpoints. Though the political and social conditions of that era and the criticism against them are the main points of modern opuses. But not all the critics have the same view on the problems. Tendency to plays and writing them was increased in this era and theatres became places for social-political criticism. Poets like Eshqi, Iraj Mirza and Aref Qazvini wrote dramatic literary works with a critical viewpoint. Each one of these poets started to fight through their writings with their own ideology and for the purpose of political-social betterment. Therefor this research contains the main points, the differences and similarities of dramatic opuses and their creator’s ideas with considering of being in same time, same society, same conditions and also historical incidents and etc. to recognize the essential factors which could effect on the three writers orientations. Eshqi and Aref had a completely political point of view while Iraj – as an aristocrat – worked on social criticism in a more artistic way.


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