Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran.


Because In Al-Mu'jam fi Ma'a'ir Ash'ar alAjam there is not Reference to the Naqd al-shi'r and its writer, Qudama-ibn ja'far, only with A little cautious can talking about familiarity of Shams Qays Razi with Qudama-ibn ja'far’s opinions and ideas in Poetry Criticism, that in last Centuries means Understanding good and bad poetry, and Reproduce them in AlMu'jam fi Ma'a'ir Ash'ar alAjam. What reinforces this idea, are similarities in these two books about the Defects of poetry like contradiction, Verbal and semantic errors, Features praise and other. For example, “Takhli” in Al-Mu'jam is equal to the three parts of “Deviation from metre” in Naqd al-shi'r; “Monaqeze” in Al-Mu'jam can be considered “Estehale & Tanaqoz” in Naqd al-shi'r; “Verbal errors” in Al-Mu'jam can be equated with word-weight’s Coordination in Naqd al-shi'r; the defect of "Tafwif" in Al-Mu'jam can be seen in the Qudama-ibn ja'far’s words about the defects of the word etc. The similarity between Shams Qays Razi and Qudama-ibn ja'far’s ideas and opinions about praise and its quality, in the period of dependence of literature and poetry on the courts and institutions of power and the period of the spread of court poems, is also very interesting. Of course, it is reminded that sometimes Shams Qays Razi’s ideas are different or more voluminous Compared with Qudama-ibn ja'far’s ideas. Also Because Naqd al-shi'r is the first rhetorical book that has combined Islamic rhetoric with Greek rhetoric, so Shams Qays Razi according to His influences from Naqd al-Shi'r, is the first to introduce Greek philosophical and rhetorical material into Persian books and in this way it has influenced Persian rhetorical books. But Naqd al-shi'r, Due to having rule in introducing poetry criticism and having Pattern for knowing the good and bad standards of poetry is more methodical than AlMu'jam fi Ma'a'ir Ash'ar alAjam.


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