Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Graduate PH.D Persian Language and Literature, University of Hormozgan, Hormozgan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Tarbiat Modares University , Tehran, Iran.


Transition from common and prevalent dual substructure and superstructure and crossing political, social well known situation as main motives and vanables in formation of subject and concepts providing a possibility in literary criticism in order to regard. Contexts from different angles and through this reveal contexts semantic layers. Regarding this issue, in questing theoretical basis of Sadegh Hedayats nihilistic thoughts we can point another important factor and motive besides regarding the role of important components such as economic, social and political components and in the light of it present an explanation for the thoughts of this prominent author. In this article Sadegh Hedayats Thought that indicate an absurd world, meaningless and purpose and full of Multidimensional and Complicated Contradictions, are being readout in the light of a “Scientific revolution”. What is meant by scientific revolution in this article is a concept that is used by Thomas Samuel Kuhn the theorist of Philosophy of Science In the twentieth century, in order to explain the some of the most important intellectual and social changes in Western traditions. He believed that scientific revolutions would create new paradigms. The results of this research that are obtained from studying some of Sadegh Hedayats short stories, scripts and articles, indicate that dominant mentality of this contemporary author and intellectual in confronting with world and generally the theoretical basis of his thoughts, are conformated by confrontation with Charles Darwins materialistic and evolutionary thoughts. From this perspective Hedayats absurd world and his dominant mental axes, are rooted in an evolution and revolution in the field of experimental science. This revolution which in the result proposed the new and novel narratives of mankind, world, and god against Traditional grand narrative and Cliché narrative were leaded to engender a type of epistemological rupture and the present article tries to make understand Sadegh Hedayat in this important rupture.


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