Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature. Bu Ali Sina University Hamadan, Hamadan, Iran.


The metaphor industry has long been regarded as an aesthetic tool. In the new approach to cognitive linguistics, metaphor is recognized as a meta-linguistic tool that forms the conceptual system of man. Metaphor forms an important part of verbal communication And it comes so naturally to our lives that we sometimes fail to notice it in practice. From lakoffs point of view, metaphor is the way in which one sphere of experience is expressed in the sphere of another. The source domain is usually more objective and tangible than the destination domain. According to lykoff, metaphor is not a marginal element in our intellectual life; rather, it is an element in our perception of the culture and world around us. One of the types of conceptual metaphors is directional metaphor. Directional metaphors add to the concepts of spatial statements That these directions are rooted in our experiences on the one hand and make the conceptual systems beautiful on the other. The task of these types of metaphors is to establish coherence in our conceptual system. The Language used in ballades of khaghani because the of variety concepthe ballads in it is a suitable area for examining metaphor is from the point of cognitive semantics. Studying the ballads of khaghani with this view contributes to better understanding of the thoughts and thought. This is a descriptive and analytical study, It has studied the directional metaphors in Khaghani's poems. In khaghani metaphors, the upper and lower directions are used to give concepts a place. While depth and surface area were least used. In this research, the upward direction with positive and The downward direction was related to the negative Except in one case that signifies the upward direction of negative things and the downward direction of positive things.


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