Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor, Persian Language &Literature,Humanites Literature & Science, Azarbijan Shahid Madani, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Graduated, Persian Language &Literature,Humanites Literature & Science, Azarbijan Shahid Madani, Tabriz, Iran.


In the twentieth century, new literary and linguistic schools and schools emerged, sparking the ideas of structuralism and formal literature in the form of the school of formalism in revolutionary Russia. This school focused on the formal aspects of text and linguistic elements. And the floating structures focused on the fact that the literature of the literary text depended on their opposition and accompaniment during the rise of textual elements. The poem has shown its capability, but the literature and the position of linguistic structures in prose texts, especially prose. Ancient literature can also be seen. The art of prefabrication is a long-standing tradition in the texts of the fifth century, with the input mechanisms to attract the audience's attention, entered the field with a distinct prose from the prose of the main text of the book. The authors of technical prose, with the use of prominent linguistic and rhetorical elements and elements such as new combinations, rhymes, punctuation, contrasts and contradictions, repetition and repetition at the phonetic and syntactic phonetic level, challenging and beautiful structures and structures, from thought And they left their thoughts. This article provides a comparative study of the preface of the four ancient Persian texts (Qaboosnameh, Kelileh and Demneh, Marzbannameh and the history of Jahangisha Jovini). Comparison refers to the consideration of something called normative or soft, and through it the norm of reaching the instances of leaving the norm at the linguistic level, which can be examined at different levels of phonetic, lexical, syntactic, and the whole textual body.


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