Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate professor of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, Allameh Tabatabaʼi University, Tehran, Iran


Bahram Beizaei is an Iranian author, filmmaker, theatre director, scenarist, and prominent and stylish researcher. Benefiting from myth, epic, and historical backgrounds and folklore of Iran and the world, he has created artistic work; thus, his works are contemplative and extensively linked to intellectual topics, Persian cultural themes, and other nations. His play titled ‘Arash’ also possesses such salient feature. This point should be further noticed that based on intertextual approaches and theories, the creators of artistic works may not too rely on their own personal experiences, information, and intact subjective faculties for the generation of such works, but by considering pre-existing texts, they edit their works where these texts are assumed as the foundation for culture, idea, art, and literature of their time. We have tried in the present article to conduct a content analysis on the play of "Arash" and with reliance on librarian and documentary studies and based on the theory of trans textuality of Gerard Genette (as one of the theorists of Intertextuality). The findings achieved from this study suggest that this play is composed of Inter-textuality, hypertextuality, metatextuality, arcitextuality, and paratextuality elements which are noticed with some frequency where this has caused this work to have new conceptual potential and deserving of altered review. In the intertextual view of this work with its contemporary text, the poem "Arash" by Siavash Kasraei, Beizaei challenges the myth and Kasraei depicts himself and his society's desire; However, both works are associated with the myth of water and the demon of drought. On the other hand, in metatextual analysis, the existing classes in the play "Arash" can be considered in accordance with the existing classes in Wittfogel 's theory of Oriental Despotism, which is defined on the basis of the Hydraulic Society and the relations that govern it. From the perspective of contextual analysis, this work is related to the plays Azhi Dahāka and Kārnāme-ye Bandār Bidakhsh. In terms of contextual analysis, this play is similar to a kind of tragedy that is not unrelated to the story of Christ and Ta'zieh of Karbala.


Main Subjects

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