Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Ph.D. Graduated in Persian Language and Literature Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran.


The Akhavan's poetry, in spite of the many manifestations of despair, and despite the possibility of futility, often speaks of a kind of activism, creativity, and passionatation to life. This feature in the poetry of Akhavan is due to the modern philosophical backgrounds and deep meanings that make it suitable for analyzes beyond the usual boundaries. One of the most obvious of these meanings is the view of "master ethics" in the context of "tragic insight" in his confrontation with socio-philosophical suffering, which is the main issue of this article. It seems that after the nationalist ideals, which are the background of the Akhavan's philosophical and ontological ideals, he became acquainted with the current ideas of modern Europe, including Nietzsche 's philosophical ideas. Nietzsche was not ineffective in choosing this moral view. The possibility of this influence led us to analyze the tendencies of the ethics of servitude in the poetic thought of Ahkavan, in the approach of Nietzsche's "tragic insight". This analysis shows that the Akhavan's poetic thought in this category reflects Nietzsche's "tragic vision" approach, such as: the will to power, the death of God, the seal of destiny, the nihilistic transition, the elitism, It is the transformation of the soul and a few others that is the way to the creation of the superhuman and the joyful acceptance of the wholeness of life. The result of the research shows that the poetry of the Akhavan in a general view is the manifestation of a kind of tragic insight which, by destroying theoretical and metaphysical insights, praising earthly life and ordering the continuity and dynamism of the river of life, is an aesthetic justification of existence. It deals with elitism and the critique of tragic moral views, and thus builds its base far beyond critiques of conventional and theoretical moral systems. The research method is qualitative and the approach to analysis is a philosophical critique approach of non-conceptual philosophy and sometimes a descriptive approach based on the poetic propositions of the two


Main Subjects

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