Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Professor of Linguistics at Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Persian Language and Literature Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran.

3 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature Kharazmi University, Tehran. Iran.


This paper has investigated the establishing process of Ash’ari discourse against reasonـoriented discourses (determinately NasirKhosrow’s Diwan and Khayyam’s Rubiyat) based on a new interpretation of access factor _the unequal distribution of discourses’ linguistic productions in society. Accordingly, by influence on people’s mental cognition, access proportion of discourses’ texts plays a basic role in establishing or undermining them. From this perspective, the research focuses on exploring social relations to affect texts access of aforesaid discourses. The sort of analysis is also the macro one and different to micro analysis in linguistic descriptions. The theoretical framework is a multiperspectival method combining of social practice level in Fairclough’s approach and process of foregroundingـback grounding in Laucla & Mouffe’s theory. Findings show that, by imposing and enforcing constraints on discourses _respectively to foregrounding Ash’ari discourse and back grounding reasonـoriented discourses_ powerـholders kept the access of these discourses’ texts unbalanced. It means at discursive imposition level they enable Ash’ari discourses’ texts to extensively access by planning soft organization like group formation and foundation of Nizamiyyah institutes and at discursive constraints level they prevent reasonـoriented discourses and texts associated with them to access in society by hardware activities like suppression and elimination. NasirKhosrow’s Diwan and Khayyam’s Rubiyat were two of these texts that discursive constraints were seriously enforced on them also because of their opposition to dominant ideology _NasirKhosrow’s Diwan for including concepts like propagation of Ismaili doctrine, strong repudiation of Sunnism and giving harsh vituperation to all contributor of contesting group from upper to lower echelon and Khayyam’s Rubiyat by challenging the society’s common sense about definite religious propositions and expressing ironic sarcasm against mullahs and the clergy. It’s also noteworthy that through software organization of Nizamiyyah institutes access to authority and credibility positions for these contesting discourses’ actor was unequally, in favour of Ash’ari discourses, distributed. This strategy was considerably facilitating the possibility of Ash’ari discourse imposition. These mechanisms ultimately led to establishing Ash’ari discourse.


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