Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.


Proverbs, originates from religion, culture, theological and philosophic beliefs and conventions of a society. They show the popular beliefs. The Ashaereh theological sect, which is one of the most important theological sects in the field of Islamic civilization, has played a pivotal and fateful role in creating the Islamic dimension of Iranian thought. In the present research, the authors have tried to analyze and show the different dimensions of the Ashaereh ideas in the mentality of the Iranian people through Persian proverbs.The Ashaereh considered freedom and divine will free without any conditions and did not consider any matter of goodness and righteousness and grace obligatory on God. According to the "Wisdom of God" component, they believe that God wills the good of man from wisdom. They believe that although it is not obligatory on God to do a righteous deed, it has been proven that God's deeds are based on wisdom and expediency, even if one is not aware of its wisdom. The Ashaereh, like the Mo'tazeleh and others, consider only God as sustenance and attribute this attribute exclusively to God. Also, they consider "haram" as sustenance and believe that God gives both "halal" sustenance and "haram" sustenance, and the meaning that God makes "haram" sustenance for man is that it makes the body consistent and stable. In addition, they believe that sustenance is predestined for the rest of their lives and nothing is reduced or added to human sustenance. Also, they believe that although God has decreed sustenance, it is obligatory to earn a living. The Ashaereh, believe that the victim dies on his own death, that is, when it is predestined for his death. They believe that the Creator of the universe is one, because the concept of obligatory existence cannot be true except on a single essence. They believe the Resurrection and its accessories, such as "the truth of the resurrection of the dead", "the truth of the question", "the truth Letter of deeds", "right of weight and measurement of deeds" and "Bridge being right". We see all of these beliefs in Persian Proverbs. 


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