Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Persian language and literature, University of Arak, Arak, Iran

2 Professor of Persian language and literature, University of Arak, Arak, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian language and literature, University of Arak, Arak, Iran


Dividing every phenomenon into its constituent elements is scientifically important. "Character" is one of the most important elements of the narrative and how to interpret the characters of the story is one of the main components of the interpretation of the text. This research aims to study and analyze the postmodernist components in the characters of the psycho-literary novel "Cold Coffee of Mr. Author" by "Ruzbeh Moin". The research method is analytical-descriptive and the data collection method is library studies. The theoretical foundations and findings of this research are as follows: Postmodernism was a creative leap that continued with the criticism of modernism on its continuity. The theme of death, love and neurosis is one of the important topics in world literature that is addressed by the postmodernist narrative. The author's cold coffee is a narrative that depicts the world of neurotic characters with the patterns and characteristics of postmodern fiction literature in its narrative twists, and from every corner we hear the voice of the text, and in the heart of every story is a historical, political, artistic character, etc. It can be seen that the author puts his feelings, intentions and words in the text of the story with such arrangements. In this novel, a kind of comparison of personality in the course of modern narration; With famous personalities and attributing action and self-work, there are fictional characters that remind of those personalities and revive their great and emotional actions. By using the actions of characters and modern story writing techniques such as de-heroism, intertextuality, story within story, change of narrator and perspective, uncertainty, endless cycle, identity and unity of characters, loss of meaning, etc., he brings his novel closer to postmodern narratives. . The main characters are a type and prototype example of people who have psychosis and abnormalities of the world of postmodernism and absurdism, such as fascination, skepticism, loss of meaning, denial of truth and reality, and mental-behavioral symptoms, illusions and delusions of anti-social personalities; They depict problematic, sociopath, schizoid, paranoid. The similarities of actions and behaviors of the characters are influenced by the shadow or the hidden and dark aspects of their existence and a drawing of the confusion of the contemporary human mind and the world around them.


Main Subjects

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