Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric

Document Type : scientific-research


1 Master of Dramatic Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Dramatic Literature, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The process of dramatic adaptation of fictional narratives has always been considered as one of the most significant problems for playwrights. This challenge provided new capabilities for literary studies after the modern period, particularly when literary styles developed in more various forms and the awareness to adapt literary works in Film and Theater gradually increased. In this essay, we attempted to propose a new conceptual model for adapting Iranian Composite Novels by posing the question of what the main challenges of this type of creative adaptation might be, and how to present a dramatic interpretation of this unconventional literary genre. Our initial assumption is that the use of new theories related to dramatic form and structure can provide a new explanation to the theoretical problem of this research. The research is done by a descriptive-analytical method and the data was collected by referring to library sources. Our theoretical approach to the problem is inspired by Maggie Dunn and Ann Morris's views on the nature of the Composite Novel (1995) and Sam Smiley's interpretations on new dramatic structures (2005). The results of this study confirm that in the challenge of adapting modern fictional narratives, where language is the common device for exchanging signs between literary source text and dramatic target text, formulating new forms of dramaturgical adaptation will be a suitable explanation.


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